Deep Peace of the running wave to you, Deep Peace of the flowing air to you
~A Gaelic Blessing
Deep Peace of the quiet earth to you, Deep Peace of the shining stars to you
Deep Peace of the gentle night to you, Moon and stars pour their healing light on you
Deep Peace to you
Bearing witness to another’s lived experience is extremely powerful. I aim to create a safe and nurturing space for clients to reflect, examine, and take action. My goal is to serve as counselor in a way that empowers each individual to see his or her inherent self worth and take steps towards living a fully engaged and relationally satisfying life.
Theoretical Orientation and Approach to Therapy

According to the differing needs, issues, and personalities of each client, my approach to therapy will vary. The process may include, but is not limited to, Existential, Adlerian, Family of Origin, Gestalt, Narrative, Cognitive-Behavioral, Spiritual Reflection, and/or Jungian. I am a very relational therapist and bottom line is: I enjoy conversation.
Ethical Considerations
To meet the needs of an informed client, I provide a disclosure statement prior to engaging in a therapeutic relationship. I am committed to counseling excellence and therefore strive to respect the spiritual values, beliefs, cultural heritage, sexual orientation and gender expression of all persons. I adhere to agreed upon counseling session length which is 50 minutes, unless otherwise discussed.
I hold the information shared within a counseling session with the deepest respect; therefore, all sessions are confidential. State law requires, however, the breach of confidentiality under the following circumstances:
- Any form of suspected abuse of children, the elderly or developmentally disabled adults.
- Threat or harm to oneself or others (or others’ property).
- Subpoena by court order.